jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012

Plosive or stop

They are produced by forming a complete obstruction to the flow of air out of the mouth and nose, and normally this results in a build-up of compressed air inside the chamber formed by the closure. When the closure is released, there is a small explosion that causes a sharp noise. Plosives are among the first sounds that are used by children when they start to speak (though nasals are likely to be the very first consonants).
/p, b/
The soft palate being raised and the nasal resontor shut off, the primary obstacle to the air-stream is provided by the clausure of the lips.
/t, d/
The blade of the tongue forms a constriction of complete closure with the alveolar ridge.
/k, g/
The soft palate being raised and the nasal resonator shut off, the primary obstacle to the air stream is formed by a clousure made between the back of the tongue and the soft palate. Lung air is compressed behind this closure