domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012


10. Which one should I choose, _____________________________ dress or that one ?
1.And look at _____________________________ birds in the background, they look so real they could fly !
2. _____________________________ is what I will do : I'll ask my mother.
3. The scene is set in the 1800s, people were so poor in _____________________________ days.
4. You're right, _____________________________'s the best thing to do when you have a decision to make.
5.Look at _____________________________ little children here, on the left. They really look miserable !
6. Hey, Dad, what do you think of _____________________________ dress ?
7. He is so realistic ! _____________________________ is why I love his painting.
8. Are you joking ? You can't buy _____________________________ awful piece of clothes
9. I have just bought _____________________________ painting by W. Turner


1. Which one should I choose, this dress or that one ?
2. And look at those birds in the background, they look so real they could fly!
3. this is what I will do: I'll ask my mother.
4. The scene is set in the 1800s, people were so poor in those days.
5. You're right, that's the best thing to do when you have a decision to make.
6. Look at these little children here, on the left. They really look miserable!
7. Hey, Dad, what do you think of this dress ?
8. He is so realistic! that is why I love his painting.
9. Are you joking? You can't buy that awful piece of clothes
10. I have just bought this painting by W. Turner